Advance notices (years ≥ 2015) and, at the page bottom, Related Works:
- Bruen Garth O.,
WHOIS Running the Internet: Protocol, Policy, and Privacy,
Wiley, November 2015. ISBN 978-1118679555.
Hardcover >>.
- Calboli Irene, Ragavan Srividhya,
Diversity in Intellectual Property: Identities, Interests, and Intersections,
Oxford University Press, May 2015. ISBN 978-1107065529.
Hardcover >>.
- Kankanala Kalyan C.,
Intellectual Property of Fact & Fiction,
CreateSpace 2015. ISBN 978-1511651707.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Klein Bethany, Moss Giles, Edwaards Lee,
Understanding Copyright: Intellectual Property in the Digital Age,
SAGE Publications Ltd 2015. ISBN 978-1446285848.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Richards Neil,
Intellectual Property: Rethinking Civil Liberties in the Digital Age,
Oxford University Press 2015. ISBN 978-0199946143.
Hardcover >>.
Kindle >>.
- Sattersten Todd,
Every Book Is a Startup,
O'Reilly Media, December 2015. ISBN 978-1449309015.
Paperback >>.
- Sharpe Isaac,
Hacking: Basic Security, Penetration Tessting and How to Hack,
Kindle 2015.
Kindle >>.
- Spivak Walter,
Hacking: Cyber Security Playground Guide,
Kindle 2015.
Kindle >>.
- The Hacking Boy,
Hacking Essentials: What You Must Know About Hacking,
CreateSpace 2015. ISBN 978-1511799218.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
Year 2014
- Bently Lionel, Sherman Brad,
Intellectual Property Law,
4th Edition, Oxford University Press 2014. ISBN 978-0199645558.
Paperback >>.
- Boyle James, Jenkins Jennifer,
Intellectual Property: Law & The Information Society Selected Statutes & Treaties,
CreateSpace Independent 2014. ISBN 978-1500338862.
Paperback >>.
- Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP,
Intellectual Property Law Answer Book 2015,
Practicing Law Institute (PLI) 2014. ISBN 978-1402422591.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Denicola Robert C.,
Copyright, Unfair Competition, and Related Topics Bearing on the Protection of Works of Authorship,
Foundation Press 2014. ISBN 978-1628100938.
Paperback >>.
- Hidebrand Heather,
The Indie Author Guide: A Self-Publisher's Toolbox,
CreateSpace 2014. ISBN 978-1499391817.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Marshall A.Leaffer,
Understanding Copyright Law,
6th Edition, LEXISNEXIS 2014. ISBN 978-0769869025.
Paperback >>.
- Merges Robert P.,
Intellectual Property in New Technological Age: 2014 Case and Statutory Supplement,
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2014. ISBN 978-1454840589.
Paperback >>.
See also >>.
- Stim Richard,
Patent, Copyright & Trademark: An Intellectual Property Desk Reference,
13th Edition, NOLO 2014. ISBN 978-1413319699.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
Year 2013
- Aplin Tanya, Davis Jennifer,
Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases, and Materials,
2nd Edition, Oxford University Press 2013. ISBN 978-0199643301.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Barros Rafael H.,
Publish in Journals 3.0: From Manuscript to Citations,
Scholar Network 2013.
Kindle Edition >>.
- Elias Stephen, Stim Richard,
Trademark: Legal Care for Your Business & Product Name,
10th Edition, NOLO 2013. ISBN 978-1413319521.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Knezo Genevieve J.,
Open Access Publishing and Citation Archives: Background and Controversy,
BiblioGov 2013. ISBN 978-1288670086.
Paperback >>.
- Myatt Mike,
Hacking Leadership:
The 11 Gaps Every Business Needs to Close and the Secrets to Closing Them Quickly,
Wiley 2013. ISBN 978-1118817414.
Hardcover >>.
Kindle >>.
- Quinn Susan K.,
Indie Author Survival Guide,
CreateSpace 2013. ISBN 978-1492972853.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Rudasill Lynne M.,
Open Access and Digital Libraries,
De Gruyter 2013. Bilingual (en/sp). ISBN 978-3110280852.
Hardcover >>.
- Poltorak Alexander I., Lerner Paul J.,
Essentials of Licensing Intellectual Property,
Wiley 2013. ISBN 978-0471432333.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
Year 2012
- Barrett Margreth,
Emanuel Law Outlines: Intellectual Property,
3rd Edition, Aspen Publishers 2012. ISBN 978-0735598065.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Baverstock Alison,
The Naked Author: A Guide to Self-Publishing,
Aspen Publishers 2012. ISBN 978-1408139820.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Bouchoux Deborah E.,
Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets,
4th Edition, Cengage Learning 2012. ISBN 978-1111648572.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Coleman E. Gabriella,
Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Easthetics of Hacking,
Princeton University Press 2012. ISBN 978-0691144610.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Hunter Dan,
The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Intellectual Property,
Oxford University Press 2012. ISBN 978-0195340600.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- McJohn Stephen M.,
Intellectual Property: Examples & Explanations,
4th Edition, Aspen Publishers 2012. ISBN 978-1454803324.
Paperback >>.
- Merges Robert P.,
Intellectual Property in New Technological Age,
6th Edition, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2012. ISBN 978-1454820093.
Hardcover >>.
See also >>.
- Miller Charlie, Blazakis Dion, DaiZovi Dino, Esser Stefan, Iozzo Vincenzo, Weinmann Ralf-Philipp,
iOS Hacker's Handbook,
Wiley 2012. ISBN 978-1118204122.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Pressman David, Stim Richard,
Nolo's Patents for Beginners,
7th Edition, NOLO 2012. ISBN 978-1413317183.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Pressman David,
Patent it Yourself: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Filing at the U.S. Patent Office,
16th Edition, NOLO 2012. ISBN 978-1413317190.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Stim Richard, Pressman David,
Patent Pending in 24 Hours,
6th Edition, NOLO 2012. ISBN 978-1413317565.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
Year 2011
- Lemley Mark A., Menell Peter S., Merges Robert P., Samuelson, Carver,
Software & Internet Law,
4th Edition, Aspen Publishers 2011. ISBN 978-0735589155.
Hardcover >>.
- Levin Mark,
The Fine Print of Self-Publishing, Fourth Edition:
Everything You Need to Know About the Costs, Contracts, and Process of Self-Publishing,
4th Edition, Bascom Hill Publishing Group 2011. ISBN 978-1935098553.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Palfrey John,
Intellectual Property Strategy,
The MIT Press 2011. ISBN 978-0262516792.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Russell Matthew A.,
Mining the Social Web:
Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media,
O'Reilly Media 2011. ISBN 978-1449388348.
more >>.
- Russell Matthew A.,
21 Recipes for Mining Twitter,
O'Reilly Media 2011. ISBN 978-1449303167.
more >>.
- Tancs Linda,
Understanding Patent Law,
Thomson Reuters 2011. ISBN 978-0314605115.
Hardcover >>.
- Vook,
Intellectual Property: The Quick Guide,
Amazon Digital Services 2011.
Kindle >>.
- Zeidman Bob,
The Software IP Detective's Handbook: Measurement, Comparison, and Infringement Detection,
Prentice Hall 2011. ISBN 978-0137035335.
Paperback >>.
Year 2010
- Scambray Joel,
Hacking Exposed: Web Applications,
3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media 2010. ISBN 978-0071740647.
more >>.
- Casenote Legal Briefs,
Copyright Patent & Trademark Law,
Aspen Publishers 2010. ISBN 978-0735599062.
more >>.
- Effroni Zohar,
Access-Right: The Future of Digital Copyright Law,
Oxford University Press 2010. ISBN 978-0199734078.
more >>.
- Iezzi Teressa,
The Idea Writers: Copywriting in a New Media and Marketing Era,
Palgrave Macmillan 2010. ISBN 978-0230613881.
more >>.
- Mazziotti Giuseppe,
EU Digital Copyright Law and the End-User,
Springer 2010. ISBN 978-3642095092.
more >>.
- Pottage Allain, Sherman Brad,
Figures of Invention: A History of Modern Patent Law,
Oxford University Press, December 2010. ISBN 978-0199595631.
more >>.
- Saint-Amour Paul K.,
Modernism and Copyright,
Oxford University Press 2010. ISBN 978-0199731541.
more >>.
- Tamaro Normand,
Annotated Copyright Act 2011,
Carswell Legal Pubns 2010. ISBN 978-0779826964.
more >>.
- Winters Zoe,
Smart Self-Publishing: Becoming an Indie Author,
IncuBooks 2010. Kindle edition.
more >>.
Year 2009
- Carr Jeffrey,
Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld,
O'Reilly Media 2009. ISBN 978-0596802158.
more >>.
- Dhanjani Nitesh, Rios Billy, Hardin Brett,
Hacking: The Next Generation,
O'Reilly Media 2009. ISBN 978-0596154578.
more >>.
- Howard Rick,
Cyber Fraud: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures,
Auerbach Publications 2009. ISBN 978-1420091274.
more >>.
- Merges Robert P., Menell Peter S., Lemley Mark A.,
Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age,
5th Edition, Aspen Publishers 2009. ISBN 978-0735589131.
more >>.
- Rogers J.L.,
The Complete Patent Kit, 2E:
A Practical Guide for Getting Your Own Patent...and Protecting it Once You Have it.
2nd Edition, Sphinx Publishing 2009. ISBN 1-572-48693-7. With CD.
more >>.
- Wells Joseph T., Editor,
Computer Fraud Casebook: The Bytes that Bite,
Wiley 2009. ISBN 978-0470278147.
more >>.
Year 2008
- Bently Lionel, Sherman Brad,
Intellectual Property Law,
3rd Edition, Oxford University Press 2008. ISBN 0-199-29204-3.
Paperback >>.
4th Edition >>.
- Bessen J., Meurer M.J.,
Patent Failure: How Judges, Bureaucrats, and Lawyers Put Innovators at Risk,
Princeton University Press 2008. ISBN 0-691-13491-X.
more >>.
- Bly R.W.,
Start & Run an Internet Marketing Business,
Self Counsel Press 2008. ISBN 1-551-80786-6.
more >>.
- Boldrin M., Levine D.K.,
Against Intellectual Monopoly,
Cambridge University Press 2008. ISBN 978-0521879286.
more >>.
- Boyle James,
The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind,
Yale University Press 2008. ISBN 978-0300137408.
more >>.
- Gollin Michael A.,
Driving Innovation: Intellectual Property Strategies for a Dynamic World,
Cambridge University Press 2008. ISBN 978-0521701693.
Paperback >>.
Kindle >>.
- Grissom F.E., Pressman David,
Inventor's Notebook: A Patent It Yourself Companion,
5th Edition, Oxford University Press 2008. ISBN 1-413-30644-6.
more >>.
- Heller M.,
The Gridlock Economy: How Too Much Ownership Wrecks Markets, Stops Innovation, and Costs Lives,
Basic Books 2008. ISBN 0465029167.
more >>.
- McJohn Stephen M.,
Intellectual Property: Examples & Explanations,
3rd Edition, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2008. ISBN 978-0735577336.
Paperback >>.
4th Edition >>.
- Netanel N.W.,
Copyright's Paradox,
Oxford University Press 2008. ISBN 978-0195137620.
more >>.
- West T.,
Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges,
Thomson West 2008. ISBN 0-314-18471-6.
more >>.
- Zittrain J.,
The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It,
Yale University Press 2008. ISBN 0-300-12487-2.
more >>.
Year 2007
- Allaire G., Craig A.,
Handbook of Research on Open Source Software:
Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives,
2nd Edition, IGI Global 2007. ISBN 978-1591409991.
more >>.
- Burrell J., Anthony M.M.,
The Complete Guide to Securing Your Own U.S. Patent:
A Step-by-Step Road Map to Protect Your Ideas and Inventions,
Atlantic Publishing Company 2007. ISBN 0-910-62705-3. With CD.
more >>.
- Campanelli M.,
Open an Online Business in 10 Days,
Entrepreneur Press 2007. ISBN 1-599-18084-7.
more >>.
- Guellec D., Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie B.,
The Economics of the European Patent System: IP Policy for Innovation and Competition,
Oxford University Press 2007. ISBN 0-199-29206-X.
more >>.
- Hunt D., Nguyen L., Rodgers M., Editors,
Patent Searching: Tools & Techniques,
J.Wiley 2007. ISBN 0-471-78379-X.
more >>.
- Lo J., Pressman David,
How to Make Patent Drawings: A Patent It Yourself Companion,
5th Edition, NOLO 2007. ISBN 1-413-30653-5.
more >>.
- Shepard Aaron,
Aiming at Amazon: The NEW Business of Self Publishing,
or How to Publish Your Books with Print on Demand and Online Book Marketing on ,
Shepard Publications 2007. ISBN 978-0938497431.
more >>.
- Slusky R.D.,
Invention Analysis and Claiming: A Patent Lawyer's Guide,
American Bar Association 2007. ISBN 1-590-31818-8.
more >>.
- Sowe S.K., Stamelos I.G., Samoladas I., Editors,
Emerging Free and Open Source Software Practices,
IGI Publishing 2007. ISBN 1-599-04210-X.
more >>.
- Steward G.,
Logos and No Gos: How to Understand and Get the Most from Your Brand IP,
J.Wiley 2007. ISBN 0-470-06037-9.
more >>.
- Teska K.,
Patent Savvy for Managers: Spot & Protect Valuable Innovations in Your Company,
NOLO 2007. ISBN 1-413-30694-2.
more >>.
Year 2006
- Belew S., Elad J.,
Starting an Online Business All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies,
For Dummies 2006. ISBN 0-764-59929-1.
more >>.
- Bitzer J., Schröder P.J.H., Editors,
The Economics of Open Source Software Development,
Elsevier Science 2006. ISBN 978-0444527691.
more >>.
- Bowerman Peter,
The Well-Fed Self-Publisher: How to Turn One Book into a Full-Time Living,
Fanove Publishing 2006. ISBN 978-0967059860.
more >>.
- Christie A., Gare S.,
Blackstone's Statutes on Intellectual Property,
6th Edition, Oxford University Press, USA 2006. ISBN 0-199-28826-7.
more >>.
- Chesbrough H., Vanhaverbeke W., West J., Editors,
Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm,
Oxford University Press, USA 2006. ISBN 0-199-29072-5.
more >>.
- DeMatteis B., Gibbs A., Neustel M.,
The Patent Writer: How to Write Successful Patent Applications,
Square One Publishers 2006. ISBN 0-757-00176-9.
more >>.
- Frank S.J.,
Intellectual Property for Managers and Investors:
A Guide to Evaluating, Protecting and Exploiting IP,
Cambridge University Press 2006. ISBN 0-521-85106-8.
more >>.
- Glasser C.J.Jr.,
International Libel and Privacy Handbook:
A Global Reference for Journalists, Publishers, Webmasters, and Lawyers,
Bloomberg Press 2006. ISBN 1-576-60188-9.
more >>.
- Harte L.,
Introduction to Digital Rights Management (DRM);
Identifying, Tracking, Authorizing and Restricting Access to Digital Media,
Althos 2006. ISBN 1-932-81340-3.
more >>.
- Jaffe A.B., Lerner J.,
Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System is
Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do About It,
Princeton University Press 2006. ISBN 0-691-12794-8.
more >>.
- Litman J.,
Digital Copyright,
Prometheus Books 2006. ISBN 1-591-02420-X.
more >>.
- Mueller J.M.,
Introduction to Patent Law,
2nd Edition, Aspen Publishers 2006. ISBN 0-735-55672-5.
more >>.
- Muffato,
Open Source: A Multidisciplinary Approach,
Imperial College Press 2006. ISBN 1-860-94665-8.
more >>.
- Rising D.,
Best in Self-Publishing & Print on Demand: Plus Marketing Your Book on the Internet,
3rd Edition, Reality Publishing 2006. ISBN 1-411-66001-3.
more >>.
- Silver Lake Publishing,
Scams & Swindles: Phishing, Spoofing, ID Theft, Nigerian Advance Schemes Investment Frauds:
How to Recognize And Avoid Rip-Offs In The Internet,
Silver Lake Publishing 2006. ISBN 978-1563437861.
more >>.
- Stasik E., Stasik G.,
Not so Patently Obvious. The Brief History of Patenting Software
in the U.S. and Europe and the Trouble with Patents in the Digital Age,
Althos Publishing 2004. ISBN 1-932-81378-0.
more >>.
- Stuttard D., Pinto M.,
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws,
Wiley 2007. ISBN 0-470-17077-8.
more >>.
- Turban E., King D., McKay J., Marshall P., Lee J.K., Viehland D.,
Electronic Commerce 2008,
Prentice Hall 2007. ISBN 0-132-24331-8.
more >>.
- Von Hippel E.,
Democratizing Innovation,
The MIT Press 2006. ISBN 0-262-72047-7.
more >>.
- Zeng W., Yu H., Lin C-Y., Editors,
Multimedia Security Technologies for Digital Rights Management,
Academic Press 2006. ISBN 0-123-69476-0.
more >>.
Year 2005
- Elias S.,
Trademark: Legal Care for Your Business & Product Name,
7th Edition, NOLO 2005. ISBN 1-413-30358-7.
more >>.
- Holden G.,
Starting an Online Business For Dummies,
4th Edition, For Dummies 2005. ISBN 0-764-58334-4.
more >>.
- Jaffe A.B., Trajtenberg M.,
Patents, Citations, and Innovations: A Window on the Knowledge Economy,
The MIT Press 2005. ISBN 0-262-60065-X.
more >>.
- Klemens B.,
Math You Can't Use: Patents, Copyright, and Software,
Brookings Institution Press 2005. ISBN 0-815-74942-2.
more >>.
- McGarvey R., Campanelli M.,
Start Your own E-Business,
Entrepreneur Press 2005. ISBN 1-932-15674-7.
more >>.
- Okin J.R.,
The Information Revolution:
The Not-for-dummies Guide to the History, Technology, And Use of the Internet,
Ironbound Press 2005. ISBN 0-976-38576-7.
more >>.
- Okin J.R.,
The Information Revolution:
The Not-for-dummies Guide to the History, Technology, And Use of the World Wide Web,
Ironbound Press 2005. ISBN 0-976-38573-2.
more >>.
- Stobbs G.A.,
Software Patents: Cumulative Supplement,
Aspen Publishers 2005. ISBN 0-735-55460-9.
more >>.
- Weber S.,
The Success of Open Source,
Harvard University Press 2005. ISBN 978-0674018587.
more >>.
Year 2004
- Becker E., Willms Buhse W., Dirk Günnewig D., Rump N., Editors,
Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal and Political Aspects,
Springer 2004. ISBN 3-540-40465-1.
more >>.
- Charmasson H.,
Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks for Dummies,
For Dummies 2004. ISBN 0-764-52551-4.
more >>.
- Cornish H.,
Intellectual Property: Omnipresent, Distracting, Irrelevant?,
Oxford University Press 2004. ISBN 0-199-26307-8.
more >>.
- Durham A.L.,
Patent Law Essentials: A Concise Guide,
2nd Edition, Praeger Publishers 2004. ISBN 0-275-98205-X.
more >>.
- Fishman S.,
Web & Software Development: A Legal Guide,
4th Edition, NOLO 2004. ISBN 1-413-30087-1. Also on CD.
more >>.
- Gilbert J.,
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets & Licensing,
Berkley Trade 2004. ISBN 0-425-19409-4.
more >>.
- Kavanagh P.,
Open Source Software: Implementation and Management,
Digital Press 2004. ISBN 1-555-58320-2.
more >>.
- Laurent A.M.St.,
Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing,
O'Reilly Media 2004. ISBN 978-0596005818.
more >>.
- Reynolds J.,
The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-based Business,
2nd Edition, CMP 2004. ISBN 1-578-20312-0.
more >>.
- Stasik E.,
Strategic Patent Planning for Software Companies;
A Look at Current Patent and Licensing Strategies,
Althos Publishing 2004. PDF document.
more >>.
Year 2003
- Asparatore Books,
The Art & Science of Patent Law,
in the series Inside the Minds,
Aspatore Books 2003. ISBN 1-587-62346-3.
more >>.
- Thornton EJ,
Profitable Book Publishing - Publishing 101 for the first-time author,
Thornton Publishing Inc 2003. ISBN 978-1932344509.
more >>.
- Vaidhyanathan S.,
Copyrights and Copywrongs:
The Rise of Intellectual Property and How It Threatens Creativity,
New York University Press 2003. ISBN 0-814-78807-6.
more >>.
Year 2002
- Reese H.,
How to License Your Million Dollar Idea:
Everything You Need To Know To Turn a Simple Idea into a Million Dollar Payday,
2nd Edition, J.Wiley 2002. ISBN 0-471-20401-3.
more >>.
Year 2001
- Christensen C.M., Overdorf M., MacMillan I., McGrath R., Thomke S.,
Harvard Business Review on Innovation,
Harvard Business School Press 2001. ISBN 1-578-51614-5.
more >>.
- Raymond E.S.,
The Cathedral & the Bazaar:
Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary,
O'Reilly Media 2001. ISBN 978-0596001087.
more >>.
- Rosenblatt B., Trippe B., Mooney S.,
Digital Rights Management: Business and Technology,
Wiley 2001. ISBN 0-764-54889-1.
more >>.
Up to 2000
- Abbate J.,
Inventing the Internet,
The MIT Press 2000. ISBN 0-262-51115-0.
more >>.
- Glazier S.C.,
e-Patent Strategies for Software, e-Commerce, the Internet, Telecom Services, Financial Services, and Business Methods (with Case Studies and Forecasts),
LBI (Law & Business Institute) 2000. ISBN 0-966-14378-7.
more >>.
- Stobbs G.A.,
Software Patents,
2nd Edition, Aspen Publishers 2000. ISBN 0-735-51499-2.
more >>.
- US Department of Commerce,
Patents and How to Get One: A Practical Handbook,
Dover Publications 2000. ISBN 0-486-41144-3.
more >>.
Related works
- Rogers E.M., Rogers E.,
Diffusion of Innovations,
3rd Edition, Free Press 2003. ISBN 0-743-22209-1.
more >>.
- Von Hippel E.,
The Sources of Innovation,
Oxford University Press, USA 1994. ISBN 0-195-09422-0.
more >>.
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