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You might wish to consult also other lists and collections
Particularly recommended: Project Gutenberg Physics and Astronomy sections.
Free, online Physics BOOKS
- A Cicerone for the Physics of Charm
by S.Bianco, F.L.Fabbri, D.Benson and I.Bigi (on arXiv).
- Algebraic Quantum Field Theory by Hans Halvorson and Michael Mueger (on arXiv).
- A Revised Electromagnetic Theory with Fundamental Applications
by Bo Lehnert in Progress in Physics. Speculative physics.
Svenska Fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, ISBN 978-9185917006.
- Basic Bundle Theory and K-Cohomology Invariants, by D.Husemöller et al.
Available also in printed version
- Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W.Schnick.
- Champs, Vide, et Universe Miroir, in French,
by Larissa Borisova and Dmitri Rabounski in Progress in Physics.
American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2010, ISBN 978-1599731230.
- Chronometric Invariants
by Abraham Zelmanov in Progress in Physics. Speculative Physics.
American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2006, ISBN 1599730111.
Russion version: ISBN 159973012X.
- Cosmic Physical Factors in Random Processes, in Russian,
by Simon E.Schnoll in Progress in Physics. Speculative physics.
Svenska Fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2009, ISBN 978-9185917068.
- Data Analysis of Gravitational Waves
by S.K.Sahay in Progress in Physics.
Svenska Fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, ISBN 978-9185917051.
- DOE Fundamentals Handbooks (DOE stands for the US Department of Energy):
Classical Physics
Instrumentation and Control, Volume 1 and Volume 2.
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow, Volume1,
Volume 2,
Volume 3.
Mechanical Science, Volume 1 and Volume 2.
Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory, Volume 1 and Volume 2.
- Dynamical Systems by George D.Birkhoff (AMS 1927).
- Dynamical Theories of Brownian Motion by Edward Nelson.
- Elements for Physics: Quantities, Qualities, and Intrinsic Theories by Albert Tarantola.
Springer 2005. Printed version also available.
- Encyclopedia of Physics edited by A.M.Prohorov et al (1988). DJVU format. In Russian.
- Eppur si muove
by Stefan Marinov in Progress in Physics. 3rd Edition. Speculative physics.
East-West Publishers, Graz 1987. Also available in DjVu format. Pending:
4th Edition, North European Scientific Publishers, Hanko (Finland, ISBN 978-9526734965).
- Feynman Lectures on Physics by Richard P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, and M.Sands, at CalTech.
- Field Theory by Predrag Cvitanovic'.
- Fields by Warren Siegel (on arXiv).
- Fields, Vacuum, and the Mirror Universe
by Larissa Borissova and Dmitri Rabounski in Progress in Physics. Speculative physics.
Svenska Fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2009, ISBN 978-9185917099.
New, expanded edition is available in Russion (2010, ISBN 978-9185917112).
- Final Book on Fundamental Theoretical Physics by Gunn Quznetsov
in Progress in Physics.
American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2011, ISBN 978-1599731728.
- Introduction to Continuum Mechanics for Engineers by Ray M. Bowen.
2008 update of the 1st Edition by Plenum Press in 1989.
- Introduction to Groups, Invariants & Particles by Frank W.K.Firk.
- Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation
by Albert Tarantola,
SIAM 2005. Printed version also available.
- Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics by E.M.Harrell II and J.Herod.
- Mapping of Probabilities - Theory for the Interpretation of Uncertain Physical Measurements, by Albert Tarantola.
In preparation, but two large Chapters are finished.
- NIC Symposium 2006, NIC Volume 32, Proceedings edited by Münster et al.
High-end scientific computing, including Physics.
- NIC Workshop: From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2006, NIC Volume 34,
Edited by U.H.E.Hansmann et al. Proceedings of CBSB06.
- Particles Here and Beyond the Mirror
by Dmitri Rabounski and Larissa Borissova in Progress in Physics. Speculative physics.
Svenska Fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, ISBN 978-9185917037.
- Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light, a textbook
by John D.Joannopoulos, Steven G.Johnson, Joshua N.Winn, and Robert D.Meade.
Preprint. You can purchase the final printed version.
- Photophysics of Conjugated Polymers and Fullerenes, edited by Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci.
- Poincaré Seminaire (Bourbaphy). French & English contributions.
I: L'Énergie du Vide. Vacuum Energy.
II: La Renormalisation. Renormalization.
III: La Condensation de Bose-Einstein. Bose-Einstein Condensation.
IV: L'Entropie. Entropy.
V: La Théorie des Cordes. String Theory.
VI: L'Effet Hall Quantique. Quantum Hall Effect.
VII: Einstein 1905-2005. Einstein 1905-2005.
VIII: Décohérence Quantique. Quantum Decoherence.
IX: Gravitation & Expérience. Gravitation and Experiment.
X: Espaces Quantiques. Quantum Spaces.
XI: The Spin. The Spin.
Printed version: Birkhäuser Basel 2009.
ISBN 978-3764387983.
XII: Bio-Physique. Physics and Biology.
XIII: Werres & Graines. Glasses and Granular Materials.
XIV: Le Chaos. The Chaos.
XV: Le Temps. Time.
- Quantum Field Theory by Mark Srednicki.
Available also in printed version.
- Quantum Fluctuations by Edward Nelson.
- Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry by Jeff Simons and Jeff Nichols.
- Quantum Monte Carlo methods for the solution of the Schroedinger equation for molecular systems by Alán Aspuru-Guzik and William A.Lester Jr.
- Quantum Simulations of Complex Many-Body Systems: From Theory to Algorithms, NIC Volume 10,
edited by J.Grotendorst et al.
Lecture Notes of a Winter School, Feb.25-Mar.1 2002, Kerkrade, Netherlands. There are also the event's poster presentations (NIC Vol.11) and audio-visual lectrure notes (NIC Vol.14).
- Spin-Curvature and the Unification of Fields in a Twisted Space
by Indranu Suhendro in Progress in Physics. Speculative physics.
Svenska Fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, ISBN 978-9185917013.
- Strongly Disordered Quantum Spin Systems in Low Dimensions: Numerical Study of Spin Chains, Spin Ladders and Two-Dimensional Systems,
NIC Volume 12, by Yu-Cheng Lin.
- The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics by Robert L.Mills, in DjVu format.
Blacklight Power 2007. Three Volumes: A) Atomic Physics, B) Molecular Physics,
and C) Collective Phenomena, High-Energy Physics and Cosmology.
- Topics in Dynamics I: Flows by Edward Nelson.
- Upper Limit in Mendeleev's Periodic Table - Element No.155
by Albert Khazan in Progress in Physics. New, updated version.
Svenska Fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2010, ISBN 978-9185917105.
Free, online books RELATED to Physics
Free, online Physics Courses, Lecture Notes and Textbooks
- A Spectroscopy Companion course by Masaru Kuno (2006).
- Conceptual Physics, a college textbook by B.Crowell. (Creative Commons 2008).
- Conservation Laws, a college textbook by B.Crowell. (Creative Commons 2008).
- Discover Physics, a college textbook by B.Crowell. (Creative Commons 2008).
- Electricity and Magnetism, free MIT course (Physics 8.02). Excellent.
- Electricity and Magnetism, a college textbook by B.Crowell. (Creative Commons 2008).
- Electromagnetic Field Theory, a textbook by Bo Thidé. With exercizes.
- Essential Physics I textbook by Frank W.K.Firk.
- Introduction to Statics and Dynamics by Rudra Pratap and Andy Ruina. Attention: for Cornell University class use only!
- Lecture Notes on General Relativity by Sean M.Carroll (on arXiv).
- Lecture Notes in Quantum Mechanics by Doron Cohen.
- Lectures in Physics, a course derived from B.Cromwell's free texts.
- Lectures on Quantum Physics and Applications by Paul E.Dimotakis.
- Macroscopic Electrodynamics, a graduate textbook by Walter Wilcox. Two Volumes.
- Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics; With Applications to Schrödinger Operators, a textbook by Gerald Teschl.
- Modern Introductory Mechanics, a textbook by Walter Wilcox. Two Volumes.
- Modern Relativity, a text book tutorial on Albert Einstein's theories of special and general relativity by David Waite. Excellent!
- Newtonian Physics, a college textbook by B.Crowell. Creative Commons 2008.
- Optics, a college textbook by B.Crowell
(Creative Commons 2008).
- Physical Description of Chemical Systems, lecture notes by Geoffrey A.Blake.
- Physics lectures by Fritz Bosch. A few are in English, most in German
- Quantum Mechanics, a textbook by K.Schulten.
- Quantum Mechanics, a basic course for chemists by Masaru Kuno (2008).
- Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy, a workbook for chemists by Masaru Kuno (2004).
- Quantum Principles and Particles, a textbook by Walter Wilcox.
- Simple Nature, Volume 1 and Volume 2, college textbooks by B.Crowell (CC 2008).
- Topics in Electrodynamics, an undergraduate textbook by Walter Wilcox.
- The Modern Revolution in Physics, a college textbook by Benjamin Crowell (CC 2008).
- Thermal Physics course by Michael Gershenson (Rutgers Uni).
- Thermodynamics, lecture notes by Zoltan S.Spakovszky (MIT). Exhaustive and excellent.
- Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics, lecture notes by Richard Fitzpatrick (Uni Texas at Austin). Very extensive, HTML only.
- Vibrations and Waves, a college textbook by Benjamin Crowell (Creative Commons 2008).
- Video Lectures on The Best Physics Videos.
- What is String Theory by Joseph Polchinski (on arXiv).
Free, online Physics THESES
Consult also CERN Document Server with its special section reserved for Theses.
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