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Authors, please, let me know the link to your document, so I can list it here.
If the document is not yet on the Interned, let me know anyway and I will host it on this site for free.
You might wish to consult also other lists and collections
- Project Gutenberg math section contains many open access books.
- European Mathematical Information Service (EMIS). Lots of monographs and lecture notes.
- Czech Digital Mathematics Library offers open access to many single books and/ collections ...
Many are in English, but just as many are in Czech.
- A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram (first printed in 2002).
Software, math and physics. Page-by-page access.
- A = B, book about combinatorial identities
by Marko Petkovsek, Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeilberger.
- A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra by Victor Shoup.
- Abelian Categories by Peter Freyd.
- Abstract and concrete categories: The joy of cats
by Jiri Adamek, Horst Herrlich and George Strecker. Alternative source.
- Advanced Calculus by Lynn Loomis and Shlomo Sternberg.
- Algebraic Topology, Vol.I, by Allen Hatcher. Available also in printed form.
- Algorithms and Complexity, 1st Edition, by Herbert S. Wilf. You can buy the 2nd Edition.
- Arithmetic Duality Theorems by James S.Milne.
Available also in printed form.
- Asynchroneous Systems Theory by Serban E.Vlad. Published by WSEAS.
- Automorphic Forms, Shimura Varieties, and L-functions, Volumes I and II.
Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, July 6-16, 1988.
Edited by L.Clozel and James S.Milne.
- Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory by Max Kelly.
- Basic Concepts of Mathematics by Elias Zakon,
courtesy of the Trillia Group.
- Basics of Algebra and Analysis for Computer Science by Jean Gallier.
- Categories and Groupoids by late Philip J.Higgins.
- Chaos: Classical and Quantum by Predrag Cvitanovic'.
- Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, a 2005 collection of articles edited by
Jacob E. Goodman, János Pach and Emo Welzl.
Available also in printed form
- Complex Variables by Robert B. Ash and Phil Novinger.
- Complex Analysis by George Cain.
- Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics by Richard Lowry. Click Table of Contents.
- Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics by Eric Weisstein.
1998 version available also in printed form and on CD.
- Convex Optimization by Stephen P. Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe.
Available also in printed form. Original Edition Cambridge University Press 2004.
- Difference Equations to Differential Equations by Dan Sloughter.
- Dynamical Systems by Shlomo Sternberg.
- Dynamics in One Complex Variable by John Milnor.
1st Edition, IMS 1990. Also available: Printed 3rd Edition.
- Dynamics, Ergodic Theory, and Geometry, a 2007 collection of articles
edited by Boris Hasselblatt.
Available also in printed form
- E Infinity Ring Spectra and E Infinity Ring Spaces by J. Peter May et al
(Springer 1977).
Available also in printed form.
- Elementary Calculus: An Approach Using Infinitesimals by H.J.Keisler.
- Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra by Edwin H. Connell.
- Elliptic Curves by James S. Milne.
Available also in printed form.
- Entropy and Information Theory by Robert M. Gray.
- Euclid's Elements edited by David E. Joyce.
- Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory by L. G. Lewis Jr, J. Peter May, M. Steinberger, J. E. McClure.
Available also in printed form.
- Finite Element Methods by Nikos Mastorakis and Olga Martin. Published by WSEAS.
- Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications
by Edward A. Bender and Gill S. Williamson
- Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups
by Frank W. Warner.
DjVu format.
Available also in printed form.
- Generatingfunctionology, 2nd Ed., by Herbert S. Wilf, and the publisher, A.K.Peters.
- Geometric Asymptotics by Shlomo Sternberg, on AMS Online
- Graph Algorithms by the late Shimon Evan (Chapters 1-6, .ps format).
more >>.
- Graph Theory by Reinhard Diestel. Not really free.
Available also in printed form.
- Group Theory: Birdtracks, Lie’s, and Exceptional Groups by Predrag Cvitanovic'.
- H Infinity Ring Spectra and their Applications
by R. R. Brunner, J. Peter May,
J. E. McClure, M. Steinberger (Springer 1986).
Available also in printed form.
- Handbook of Mathematical Functions edited by M. Abramowitz and A. Stegun.
- Hodge Cycles, Motives, and Shimura Varieties by Pierre Deligne,
James S.Milne, Arthur Ogus and Kuang-yen Shih.
Available also in printed form.
- Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, by David MacKay.
Available also in print.
- Introduction to Bayesian Statistics by H.Thornburg.
- Introduction to Matrix Algebra by Autar Kaw.
- Introduction to Probability Theory by Charles M. Grinstead and J. Laurie Snell.
GNU License. Acompanied by a number of tools and links.
Available also in printed form.
- Introduction to Probability and Random Processes by Gian-Carlo Rota and Kenneth P. Baclawski.
- Introduction to Real Analysis by William Trench.
PDF shortcut
and an alternative.
- Introduction to Statistical Data Processing by Robert M. Gray and L. D. Davisson.
Courtesy Cambridge University Press. Available also in printed form.
- Introduction to the Theory of Numbers by Leo Moser, courtesy of Trillia Group.
- Introduction to Vectors and Tensors by Ray M. Bowen and C. C. Wang.
Vol.1: Linear and Multilinear Algebra and Vol.2: Vector and Tensor Analysis
- Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation
by Albert Tarantola,
SIAM 2005. Available also in printed form.
- Jacobi Operators and Completely Integrable Nonlinear Lattices by Gerald Teschl.
Available also in printed form.
- Lie Algebras by Shlomo Sternberg.
- Linear Algebra, a free text for a standard US undergraduate course, by Jim Hefferon.
- Linear Algebra, Infinite Dimensions, and Maple, an online book by Jim Herod.
- Linear Controller Design - Limits of Performance
by Stephen Boyd and Craig Barratt. Original Edition Prentice Hall 1991.
- Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory
by Stephen Boyd, Laurent El Ghaoui, Eric Feron, and Ragu Balakrishnan.
Available also in printed form. Original Edition SIAM 1997.
- Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics by E.M.Harrell II and J.Herod.
- Linear Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Theory (online version) by Marcus Pivato.
- Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving
by Jean Gallier. Not sure whether it is really downloadable.
- Manuscripts of Srinivasa Ramanujan at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. 3 volumes.
- Mapping of Probabilities - Theory for the Interpretation of Uncertain Physical Measurements, an online book by the late Albert Tarantola.
In preparation; only first two Chapters are finished.
- Mathematical Analysis I by Elias Zakon,
courtesy of the Trillia Group.
- Mathematical Analysis II by Elias Zakon,
courtesy of the Trillia Group.
- Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with Audio Applications, J. O. Smith III.
- Multivariable Calculus by George Cain and James Herod.
- My Algebra Book by Eric Kean. A nice college algebra initiative.
- NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions,
a vastly enlarged continuation of the Abramowitz-Stegun Handbook.
- Notes on Convex sets, Polytopes, Polyhedra, Combinatorial Topology, Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations
by Jean Gallier.
- Notes on Differential Geometry by Noel J. Hicks (1965).
- Notes on Differential Geometry and Lie Groups
by Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance.
- Number Theory, an undergraduate revision by Jim Hefferon of a text by W. E. Clark.
- Practical Foundations of Mathematics by Paul Taylor.
Available also in printed form
- Predicative Arithmetic by Edward Nelson.
- Probability, geometry, and integrable systems, a 2008 collection of articles
edited by Mark Pinsky and Björn Birnir.
Available also in printed form
- Probability Theory: The Logic of Science by Edwin T. Jaynes.
- Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties by R.M.Gray.
- Radically Elementary Probability Theory by Edward Nelson.
- Real Variables with Basic Metric Space Topology by Robert B. Ash.
Originally published by IEEE Press in 1992. 78 MB pdf.
- Rough Set Data Analysis: A road to non-invasive knowledge discovery,
a primer by Ivo Düntsch and Günther Gediga.
Available also in printed form
- Semiriemannian Geometry by Shlomo Sternberg.
- Sequential Simplex Optimization (PDF 3.8 Mb) by Walters F.H., Morgan S.L., Parker L.R.Jr., Deming S.N., CRC Press 1991. Licensed electronic reprint 1999.
- Semi-classical Analysis by Shlomo Sternberg.
- Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory,
edited by Beno Eckmann and Myles Tierney.
- Sets, Relations, Functions, a primer by Ivo Düntsch and Günther Gediga.
More >>.
- Simple Groups of Finite Morley Rank
by Tuna Altinel, Alexandre V. Borovik, and Gregory Cherlin. Early version on AMS.
- Spectral Sequences in Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher.
- Statistics: Methods and Applications by Thomas Hill and Paul Lewicki at StatSoft.
Available also in printed form.
- StatLect - Lectures on Probability and Statistics by Marco Taboga. Very good.
- Tensor Analysis by Edward Nelson.
- The Calculus of Functions of Several Variables by Dan Sloughter.
- The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces by J. Peter May.
- The Homology of Iterated Loop Spaces
by Frederick R. Cohen, Thomas J. Lada and J. Peter May.
Available also in printed form.
- Theory of Functions of a Real Variable by Shlomo Sternberg.
- Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices: A Review by R.M.Gray.
Available also in printed form.
- Toposes, Triples and Theories by Michael Barr and Charles Wells.
- Trigonometric Delights by Eli Maor. Limited online availability.
- Understanding Calculus by F. Hussain. Very good.
- Vector Bundles and K-Theory by Allen Hatcher.
- Wavelets - all there is to know about them. Do not miss this resource!
- Wolfram MathWorld. The web's most extensive mathematics resource.
Free, online books and similar resources RELATED to MATHEMATICS
Free, online Math Courses, Lecture Notes and Textbooks
- Lectures on Mathematics at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. 92 titles and growing.
- A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology by J. Peter May. Available also in dvi and printed form.
- A First Course in Linear Algebra (FCLA), a textbook by Rob Beezer. Excellent.
- A Primer of Real Analysis, an online textbook by Dan Sloughter.
- A Problem Text in Advanced Calculus by John M.Erdman.
- A Short Course in Discrete Mathematics by Edward A. Bender and Gill S. Williamson.
- Abstract Algebra: The Basic Graduate Year, a textbook by Robert B.Ash.
- Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications, 2009 college textbook by Thomas W.Judson.
- Algebraic Number Theory, a course by Robert B. Ash.
- An Introduction to Set Theory, an almost complete course/textbook
by William Weiss. PDF / PS / DVI formats.
- Analysis of Functions of a Single Variable, a textbook by Lawrence Baggett.
- Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis, a nice textbook by Jiri Lebl.
- Calculus, a textbook by B.Crowell.
- Calculus, a textbook by Gilbert Strang at MIT Open Courseware.
- Commutative Algebra, a course by Robert B. Ash.
- Complex Analysis interactive textbook by Bert G.Wachsmuth.
- Elementary Linear Algebra, lecture Notes by Keith Matthews.
- Functional Analysis, an online textbook by Lawrence Baggett.
- Fundamentals of Model Theory, a course/textbook
by William Weiss and Cherie D'Mello. PS / DVI / AtlasImage formats.
- Group Theory course by James S.Milne.
- HyperStat Online Statistics Textbook by David M.Lane. Great resource.
- Lectures on Statistics by Robert B. Ash.
- Lectures Notes on Optimization by Pravin Varaiya.
Online PDF re-issue of a book out of print since 1975.
- Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations
by Yulij Ilyashenko and Sergei Yakovenko.
Available also in printed form.
- Lectures on Modular Functions of One Complex Variable by Hans Maass.
- Math Alive, lecture Units by Ingrid Daubechies and Shannon Hughes.
- Modern Course on Curves and Surfaces, lecture notes by R.Palais.
- Modular Functions and Modular Forms (Elliptic Modular Curves) by James S.Milne.
- Notes on Differential Equations, lecture notes by Bob Terrell.
- Notes on Diffy QS: Differential Equations for Engineers, a nice textbook by Jiri Lebl.
- Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, a textbook by Gerald Teschl.
- Real Analysis interactive textbook by Bert G.Wachsmuth.
- Topology Course Lecture Notes by Aisling McCluskey and Brian McMaster.
- Yet Another Calculus Text: A short introduction with infinitesimals,
a textbook by Dan Sloughter.
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