This growing Directory is manually maintained and periodically tested for broken links.
Should there be anything wrong with an entry, let us know.
EUROPE (with a subsection for Italy), USA, Canada, Israel, and Elsewhere
See also: NMR, MRI & ESR Societies which hold periodic meetings
- EU & World Infrastructures
- BioNMR, a roof FP7 organization for biological NMR research in Europe.
- EU-NMR. Part of the European Network of NMR Research infrastructures.
- e-NMR, the European NMR computational infrastructures in system biology.
- EAST-NMR transnational access infrastructures for Eastern European Countries.
- NMR-Life (Postgenomic NMR), EU roof infrastructures for NMR research in structural genomics.
- EPISODE (Exploit the Potential of Structural Biology through NMR and Associated Technologies).
- INSTRUCT, an Integrated Structural Biology infrastructures for Europe.
- PRIME - XS, a n EU roof for an infrastructures of state-of-the-art proteomics technology.
- We-NMR, a worldwide e-infrastructure for NMR and structural biology.
- Large-Scale NMR Facilities
- BMRZ in Frankfurt (Germany).
EU-NMR Coordinator: Harald Schwalbe.
- HWB NMR Facility at Uni Birmingham (UK).
EU-NMR Coordinator: Ulrich Günther.
- CEITEC, the Central European Institute of Technology in Brno (Czech Republic).
Head: Sklenar Vladimir
- CERM in Florence (Italy).
EU-NMR Coordinator: Ivano Bertini.
- RALF NMR in Lyon (France).
EU-NMR Coordinator: Lyndon Emsley.
- SON NMR in Utrecht (Netherlands).
EU-NMR Coordinator: Rolf Boelens.
Click here for the solid state NMR lab.
- WNMRC in Wageningen (Netherlands).
Headed by Henk Van As.
- Other European Groups in alphabetic order (more or less)
- Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre headed by Fiona Gilbert, in Scotland, UK.
- Bijvoet NMR Center at University of Utrecht. Biochemical applications. Netherlands.
See the description of the architecture of the Center
(available also in Czech).
- Bio-NMR Research Center Jena-Beutenberg
at Leibniz Institute for Age Research in Jena. Germany.
- Biological NMR Group at University of Sheffield (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology). UK.
- Biomedical NMR spectroscopy at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). Netherlands.
- BNMRZ (Bayerisches NMR Zentrum) at Technische Universität München, Germany.
- Bulgarian NMR Centre headed by Svetlana Simova, Bulgaria. English link.
- Carlomagno Group
at EMBL. Intermolecular recognition studied by NMR.
- CCPN, Collaborative Computing Project for NMR. Based in Cambridge, UK.
- CERMAX, Centro de Ressonância Magnética António Xavier,
at ITQB-UNL, Oeiras, Portugal.
- Centre for Magnetic Resonance at University of York. UK.
- Danish Instrument Center for NMR Spectroscopy of Biological Macromolecules
at Carlsberg Research Laboratory, Copenhagen-Valby, Denmark.
- Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR)
at Hvidovre Hospital; headed by Siebner Hartwig.
- Delft Spin Qubit Project at TU Delft, Netherlands. Quantum Computing.
- Divisions of Bioimaging and MRI Technology
at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering in Zürich, Switzerland.
- ECM (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics),
a group using a lot of EPR instruments at Uni Antwerp (Physics), Belgium.
- Eindhoven Magnetic Resonance Laboratories (four Groups)
at Eidhoven University of Technology. Netherlands.
- EPR Research Group headed by Gunnar Jeschke, at ETH, Zürich, Switzerland.
- ESR Group at Adam Mickiewicz University (Faculty of Physics), Poznan, Poland.
- ESR Group at ETH, Zürich, Switzerland.
- ESR Group at IFW (Institute for Solid State Research), Dresden, Germany.
- ESR Center at Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- ESR Group (Joint Research Group of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance)
at the Regional Laboratory of Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
- ESR Group at University of Bath (Department of Physics), UK.
- ESR Group of Thomas Prisner at University of Frankfurt (Physical Chemistry). Germany.
- ESR Group at University of Gent (Solid State), Belgium.
- ESR Group at University of Padua (Chemistry), Italy.
- ESR Group at University of St.Andrews, UK. Home of HIPER.
- ESR Laboratory at University of Augsburg (Physics), Germany.
- EuroMagNET, a European consortium concerning research in high magnetic fields.
Links to six European centers working in the field, reports, meetings, calls for proposals, etc.
- Fast Field-cycling Group (FFC-MRI) of David Lurie at University of Aberdeen
(Imaging Research Programme), Scotland, UK.
- Fédération RMN Solide Hauts Champs (Federation of High-Field Solid-State NMR),
under CNRS (chemistry) at University of Orléans, France.
Groups many French laboratories.
- FMRIB. Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain.
- GERMN. Spanish Grupo Especializado de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear.
- Group of D.Brougham at Doublin University. Materials, relaxometry, FFC. Ireland.
- Joint Laboratory of Solid State NMR in Prague, headed by Jiri Brus. Czech Republic.
- Laboratoire de Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire (LRMN)
at Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, France.
- Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses
in Grenoble, France.
- Laboratory for Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy, headed by N.C.Nielsen,
at University of Aarhus (Chemistry), Denmark.
- Laboratory of Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance (LRMB). Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Laboratory of NMR Spectroscopy at VSCHT in Prague. Headed by R.Hrabal. Czech Republic.
- Leeds CMR, a climical MRI group headed by Stephen Ball. UK.
- Liverpool NMR Centre for Structural Biology, headed by Lu-Yun Lian and I.Barsukov. UK.
- Mansfield MR Centre at the University of Nottingham (Physics and Astronomy). UK.
- Magnet Resonanz Zentrum at University of Leipzig, Germany.
- MARC, the Magnetic Resonance Center headed by Bernhard Blümich. Aachen, Germany.
- Medical Imaging Center in Leuven, Belgium.
They are strong in imaging software. There is also an MR Research Center.
- MR Group (NMR/ESR) of Robert Blinc at Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Slovenia.
- MR Group (NMR/MRI) of Peter Bösiger
at Institute for Biomedical Engineering in Zürich, Switzerland.
- MR and Catalysis Group of L.Gladden at University of Cambridge (Chemical Engineering), UK.
- MR Group (NMR/ESR) of Jürgen Haase at University of Leipzig (Physics & Geo). Germany.
- MR Group (NMR/ESR/MRI) of H.W.Spiess at Max Planck Institute (Polymer research)
in Mainz, Germany.
- MRI Group of P.Mansfield at the University of Nottingham (Physics and Astronomy), UK.
- MRI Department headed by S.D.Gotsis at Institute Encefalos/Euromedica in Halandri, Greece.
- MR Technology Group of Klaas Prüssman
at Institute for Biomedical Engineering in Zürich, Switzerland.
- MRC Biomedical NMR Centre of the National Institute for Medical Research. UK.
- National Biological NMR Lab in Helsinki. Finland.
- National 800 MHz NMR Facility at University of Cambridge (Biochemistry). UK.
- National Center for NMR (NC NMR) spread among several locations in Slovakia.
- NMR and Biosimulation Group at University of Patras, headed by Georgios Spyroulias, Greece.
- NMR Center (HNMR) at Free University of Brussels (POSC), Belgium.
- NMR Center at University of Nijmegen, Netherlands.
- NMR Center at University of Ioannina, Greece.
- NMR Center at University of Oslo (Chemistry), Norway.
- NMR Center at the Technical University of Lisbon (structural chemistry), Portugal.
- NMR and MRI Groups at Iramis in Saclay, France.
- NMRDG. UK NMR Discussion Group
- NMRDG Dutch NMR Discussion Group.
- NMR Facility at University of Cambridge (Biochemistry). UK.
- NMR Group at Ecole Normale Supérieure
and Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris. France.
- NMR Group at Fraunhofer IBMT. NMR/MRI Technology. Germany.
- NMR Group at University of Leiden (Chemistry). HR & Solid-State. Netherlands.
- NMR Facility at University of Santiago de Compostela (RIAIDT). Spain.
- NMR Group of Silvio Aime at University of Torino. Italy.
- NMR Group of Stefan Berger at University of Leipzig. Germany.
- NMR Group of Ivano Bertini at CERM, Florence, Italy.
- NMR Group of P.Bigler University of Bern (Chemistry), Switzerland.
- NMR Groups of G.Bodenhausen at ISIC, Lausanne (Switzerland) and ENS, Paris, France.
- NMR Group of Bernhard Brutscher at Institut de Biologie Structurale in Grenoble. France.
- NMR Group of Volker Dötsch at Uni Frankfurt (BioPhysics) in Frankfurt. Germany.
- NMR Group of C.Glaubitz at Uni Frankfurt (BioChemistry) in Frankfurt. Germany.
- NMR Group of C.Griesinger at Max Plank Institute in Göttingen. Germany.
- NMR Group of Peter Güntert at Uni Frankfurt (BioPhysics) in Frankfurt. Germany.
- NMR Group of Bertil Halle at University of Lund. Sweden.
- NMR Group of R.K.Harris at University of Durham (Chemistry). UK.
- NMR Group of P.J.Hore at Oxford University (Chemistry). UK.
- NMR Group of J.Jokisaari at University of Oulu (Physical sciences). Finland.
- NMR Group of J.Keeler at University of Cambridge. UK.
- NMR Group of Rainer Kimmich at University of Ulm. Germany.
- NMR Group of A.F.Kleinpeter at University of Potsdam. Germany.
- NMR Group of R.Konrat at University of Wien, Austria.
- NMR Group of K.Kopinga (transport phenomena) at TU/e, Netherlands.
- NMR Group of M.H.Levitt at University of Southampton (Chemistry). UK.
- NMR Group of P.C.M.M.Magusin (solid-state NMR) at TU/e, Netherlands.
- NMR Group of N.Müller at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.
- NMR Group of R.N.Muller at Université de Mons- Hainaut, Belgium.
- NMR Group of K.Nicolay (biomedical NMR) at TU/e, Netherlands.
- NMR Group of J.Plavec at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- NMR Group of C.Schmidt at Uni Paderborn (Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry). Germany.
- NMR Group of Jan Schraml, Dep. of Analytical Chemistry of ICPF. Czech Republic.
- NMR Group of H.Schwalbe at Uni Frankfurt (Organic Chemistry). Germany.
- NMR Group of R.Stoll at RUBiospek, Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany.
- NMR Group of M.H.P. van Genderen (bio-molecular chemistry) at TU/e, Netherlands.
- NMR Group of Jens Wöhnert at Uni Frankfurt (Structural Biology) in Frankfurt. Germany.
- NMR Group of Kurt Wütrich et ETH in Zürich, Switzerland.
- NMR Group of K.Zangger at University of Graz, Austria.
- NMR Group of Lucia Zetta at ISMAC. Milano, Italy.
- NMR Laboratory at Institute of Organic Chemistry (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Headed by Svetlana Simova.
- NMR Laboratory at National Center for Biomolecular Research in Brno.
Headed by Vladimir Sklenar. Czech Republic.
- NMR Laboratory at University of Oulu. Finland.
- NMR Laboratory at University of Warsaw (Chemistry), Poland.
Headed by Wiktor Kozminski.
- NMR Laboratory at Scientific and Technological Centre CCiTUB of University of Barcelona.
Headed by Miguel Feliz. Spain.
- NMR-MOUSE centre of Bernhard Blümich in Aachen. Germany.
- NMR Research Center at Indian Institute of Sciencein Bangalore, India.
- OUBSU, the Oxford University Biomembrane Structure Unit,
uses a lot of NMR for their research. UK. Headed by Anthony Watts.
- Protein NMR Group, headed by J.J.Led,
at University of Copenhagen (Chemistry), Denmark.
- Réseau RMN structurale dans le Bassin Parisien (Structural NMR Network in the Paris Area),
under CNRS (chemistry) at University of Orléans, France.
Groups many French laboratories.
- SENTINEL, the coordinated European high-field ESR project. Gateway to European HF-ESR.
- SIBAC (Spectroscopy in Biophysics and Catalysis),
a predominantly EPR group at Uni Antwerp (Physics), Belgium.
- SLONMR, Slovenian NMR Centre. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Solid State Physics Laboratory centered on NMR and ESR.
Headed by A.N.Sergeev in Szczecin, Poland.
- Solid State NMR Group at University of Warwick (Physics), UK.
- Solid-state NMR Service at University of Durham. UK.
- Solution-phase NMR Facility at University of St.Andrews (Chemistry). UK.
- Solution-state NMR Service at University of Durham (Chemistry). UK.
- Structural Biology and NMR Laboratory (SBiN Lab) at University of Copenhagen (Biology). Denmark.
- Swedish NMR Center (SNC) at Göteborg University. Sweden.
- Unitat d'RMN at the Scientific and Technological Centre CCiTUB of University of Barcelona. Spain.
- Wageningen NMR Center. Agricultural and food applications. Netherlands.
- York Neuroimaging Centre at University of York. UK.
- United States:
- ACERT, National Biomedical Center for Advanced ESR Technology at Cornell, NY.
Headed by J.H.Freed, they push the frontier of high-field EPR.
- AIRC Advanced Imaging Research Center at OHSU in Portland, Oregon.
- BioNMR Center at John Hopkins University, Maryland.
- CalTech Solid State NMR Facility (CSNF), California.
- Center for Biomolecular Imaging at Wake Forest University Medical Center (North Carolina).
Regular MRI as well as small-scale imaging of small animals (MicroMR).
- Center for EPR Imaging In-Vivo Physiology, headed by Gareth and Sandra Eaton,
at University of Denver, Colorado.
- Center for EPR Imaging In-Vivo Physiology, headed by H.J.Halpern,G.M.Rosen and G.Eaton,
at University of Chicago (Oncology), Illinois.
- Center for NMR Spectroscopy at Washington State University (Chemistry) in Pullman.
- CTA Biomolecular NMR Facility at Michigan Center for Structural Biology (MCSB).
- EPR Center for the Study of Viable Systems at Dartmouth College
(Medical School) in Hanover, New Hampshire.
- Functional MRI Laboratory at University of Michigan.
- IERC Illinois EPR Research Center. Headed by Belford L.R.
- Imaging Center at Rochester Institute of Technology. New York.
- Lizzadro Magnetic Resonance Research Center at University of Notre Dame
(Chemistry and Biochemistry). Headed by Jaroslav Zajicek. Indiana.
- Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Group at Montana State University,
headed by S.Codd and J.Seymour.
- Magnetic Resonance Research Center of Arizona State University, headed by B.R.Cherry.
- MIT Center for Magnetic Resonance (CMR)
at Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- MIT DCIF, NMR at Department of Chemistry Instrumentation Facility. Nice tips and tricks.
- MMRRCC, Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Research and Computing Center
at the University of Pennsylvania (Radiology).
Headed by Leigh J.S.
- MREL Magnetic Resonance (Imaging) Engineering Laboratory at USC.
- MRI Center, at Geogetown University (Radiology). Headed by Renna Jha..
- MRI Division of BIDMC, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachussets.
- MRI Division of Johns Hopkins University.
- MRI Institute in Detroit, Michigan.
- MRI Research Center at Yale University (Medicine).
- MRI Research Laboratory at WPI (Biomedical Engineering) in Worchester, Massachusetts.
- MRI Unit at the US Veterans Administration Medical Center.
- MR Research Laboratory at Mayo Clinic (Discovery Edge). MRI, headed by S. Riederer.
- MRSRL Magnetic Resonance Systems Research Laboratory at Stanford University (engineering).
- National Biomedical EPR Center in Milwaukee (Wisconsin), directed by James S.Hyde.
- New Mexico Resonance. The old group of Eiichi Fukushima.
- NHMFL NMR Spectroscopy & Imaging Program, headed by T.A.Cross. Tallahassee, Florida.
- NJ-ACS NMR Spectroscopy Group in North Jersey, USA.
- NMR Center at Princeton University. Headed by István Pelczer and Carlos Pacheco.
- NMR Core Facility at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Biotechnology Center) in Troy, New York.
- NMR & EPR Facility at EMSL (Environmental Mol.Sciences Lab) in Richland (Washington).
- NMR & EPR Analytical Research Facilities at University of Maryland (Chemistry).
- NMR Center at Duke University (North Carolina).
- NMR Facilities at University of Tennessee (Chemistry), Knoxville.
- NMR Facilities at University of Texas Medical Branch (SCSB).
- NMR Facility at Carnegie Mellon University (Chemistry), headed by Roberto R.Gil.
- NMR Facility at Cornell University (Chemistry and Chemical Biology). New York.
- NMR Facility at University of Minnesota (Biomedicine). MNMR (Minnesota NMR Center). Nice site.
- NMR Facility at New York Structural Biology Center at (NYSBC).
- NMR Facility at North Carolina State University.
- NMR Facility at Rockefeller University.
- NMR Facility at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, managed by Bill Stevens.
- NMR Facility at UCSD (University of California at San Diego).
- NMR Facility at Penn State University (Chemistry).
- NMR Facility at Stanford University (Chemistry).
- NMR Facility at University of California at Irvine.
- NMR Facility at University of Berkeley (Chemistry).
- NMR Facility managed by D.Brown at Indiana University (Chemistry) in Bloomington.
- NMR Facility at University of Iowa (Chemistry) in Iowa City.
- NMR Facility at University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.
- NMR Facility at University of Pittsburgh (Structural Biology, School of Medicine).
- NMR Facility headed by A.Gronenborn at University of Pittsburgh (Biophysics).
- NMR Facility at University of Texas (Chemistry).
- NMRFM, the National MR Facility At Madison (Uni Wisconsin-Madison).
- NMR Group of Ad Bax at NIH.
- NMR Group of M.L.Buszko at IFAS, University of Florida.
- NMR Group of Rafael Brüschweiler at Florida State University in Tallahassee.
- NMR Group of R.G.Bryant at University of Virginia (Chemistry).
- NMR Group of P.J.Grandinetti at Ohio State University (Chemistry).
- NMR Group of D.M.Grant at University of Utah (Chemistry).
- NMR Group of R.G.Griffin at MIT (Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory).
- NMR Group of B.Halperin at Northwestern University. [Broken ?]
- NMR Group of Joseph Hornak at Rochester Institute of Technology.
- NMR Group of Stanley J. Opella at UCSD.
- NMR Group of O.Jardetzky at Stanford University (SMRL).
- NMR Group of Yung-Ya Lin at UCLA (Chemistry & Biochemistry).
- NMR Group of M.Llinás at Carnegie Mellon Chemistry Dept (Chemistry).
- NMR Group of Mei Hong at Iowa State University.
- NMR Group of G.Moyna at USIP, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- NMR Group of A.G.Palmer at Columbia University (Biochemistry) in New York.
- NMR Group of A.Pines at Uni Berkeley (Chemistry). California.
- NMR Group of D.Rovnyak at Bucknell University (Chemistry). Pennsylvania.
- NMR Group of A.J.Shaka at University of California at Irvine.
- NMR Group of G.Veglia at University of Minnesota BMBB (BioChemistry).
- NMR Group of Warren S.Warren at Duke University (Chemistry). North Carolina.
- NMR Laboratory, headed by V.Mainz, at University of Urbana (Chemistry), Illinois.
Excellent docs, instruction manuals and other handouts, ... Ex VOICE-NMR Lab.
- NMR Laboratory of M.Buck at the Cleveland Center for Structural Biology (CCSB). Ohio.
- NMR Research Center headed by Shaoxiong Wu at Emory University (Chemistry). Giorgia.
- NMR Resource at UCSD (Center for NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging of Proteins).
- Oklahoma Statewide Shared NMR Facility in Stillwater.
- Quantum Information Science Group, headed by Yoshihisa Yamamoto, at Stanford University.
- Shenandoah Valley Regional NMR Consortium at James Madison University (Chemistry). Virginia.
- SMRL Stanford Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, California.
- Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory of CABM at Rutgers University (New Jersey),
headed by Montelione G.T. NMR and X-ray protein structure determination.
- NMR Facility at Texas A&M University (TAMU), Texas.
- SMRL, the Stanford Magnetic Resonance Laboratory.
- TriMR. Research Triangle Magnetic Resonance Discussion Group, NC.
- UC Davis Imaging Research Center, headed by Cameron Carter and Mike Buonocore,
at Davis, California.
- Canada:
- ARMRC. Atlantic Region Magnetic Resonance Centre at Dalhousie University (Chemistry).
Headed by J.Zwanziger. Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada).
- ESR at SSSC, the Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Center
in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada).
- MR R&D Group of L.Ryner at Institute of Biodiagnostics. (Canada).
- MR Technology Group of B.Tomanek at Institute of Biodiagnostics. (Canada).
- NANUC National High Field NMR Centre in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada).
- National Ultrahigh-Field NMR Facility for Solids
(NMR 900) in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada).
This site contains a complete list of links to Solid State NMR in Canada.
- NMR Centre, at SSSC the Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Center
in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada).
- NMR Centre at Memorial University (CREAIT Network), Newfoundland (Canada).
- NMR Centre at University of Guelph. Headed by J.H.Davis. Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Facility at McGill University (Chemistry) in Montreal, Québec (Canada).
- NMR Facility at McMaster University (Chemistry) in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Facility at Queens University (Chemistry) in Kingston, Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Facility at University of Ottawa. Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Facility at University of Western Ontario (Chemistry) in London, Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Facility and Solid-State NMR at University of Windsor (Chemistry). Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Facility at WATSPEC, University of Waterloo (Chemistry). Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Group of Lewis Kay at University of Toronto (Canada).
- NMR Group of Rob Schurko at University of Windsor (Chemistry). Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Group of Suzana K.Straus at University of Windsor (Chemistry). Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Group of Gang Wu at Queen's University (Chemistry). Kingstone (Canada).
- NMR Hub of the UBC Lab of Molecular Biophysics
at British Columbia Uni in Vancouver, (Canada).
- NMR Laboratories at the Institute for Quantum Computing
at University of Waterloo. Ontario (Canada).
- NMR Laboratory at Uni Manitoba (Chemistry) in Winnipeg. (Canada).
- NMR Services at University of Toronto (Chemistry). Nice Links for students. (Canada)
- NMR Services at Simon Frazer University (Chemistry) in Burnaby, BC (Canada)
- NMR Spectroscopy Center at University of Alberta (Chemistry) in Edmonton. (Canada).
- NMR Suite at Mitsu Ikura's Lab. Managed by Genevieve Seabrook.
Great Resources and Useful Sites links. Toronto (Canada)
- Québec / Eastern Canada High Field Facility at McGill University in Montreal.
Managed by T.Sprules. (Canada).
- Robarts Imaging Imaging Research Laboratories in London, Ontario (Canada).
- Solid State NMR Group of Rod Wasylishen
at the University of Alberta (Chemistry) in Edmonton. (Canada).
- UBC Chemistry High-Resolution NMR Analytical Services and Research Support Facility
at British Columbia University (Chemistry) in Vancouver (Canada).
- Israel:
- EPR Group of Daniella Goldfarb at Weizmann Institute (chemical physics). (Israel).
CW and FT ESR spectroscopy
- Magnetic Resonance Center at Technion (Chemistry). (Israel).
High-resolution spectroscopy.
- Magnetic Resonance Laboratory at Technion. (Israel).
Headed by Aharon Blank. Ex-situ NMR imaging and spectroscopy, ESR, NQR, MR technology, ...
- Magnetic Resonance Service at Bar-Ilan University (chemistry). (Israel).
High-resolution spectroscopy.
- MRI Group of Hadassa Degani at Weizmann Institute (biological regulation). (Israel).
Breast, liver, etc.
- MRI Group of Rafael Malach at Weizmann Institute (neurobiology). (Israel).
Functional MRI.
- MRI Group of Michal Neeman at Weizmann Institute (biological regulation). (Israel).
Angiography and lymphography.
- MRI/MRS Group of Yoram Cohen at Tel-Aviv University (chemistry). (Israel).
Supramolecular chemistry, MRI & MRS of central nervous system.
- NMR Facility at Tel-Aviv University (high-resolution spectroscopy). (Israel).
High-resolution spectroscopy.
- NMR Facility at Weizmann Institute (chemical research support). (Israel).
High-resolution spectroscopy.
- NMR Group of Jacob Anglister at Weizmann Institute (structural biology). (Israel).
- NMR Group of Lucio Frydman at Weizmann Institute (chemical physics). (Israel).
New NMR techniques, data sampling strategies, ultra-fast NMR, NMR hardware, ...
- NMR Group of Amir Goldbourt at Tel-Aviv University (chemistry). (Israel).
Solid state NMR of biological systems.
- NMR Group of Shimon Vega at Weizmann Institute (chemical physics). (Israel).
Solid state NMR.
- NMR Laboratory at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (chemistry). (Israel).
High-resolution spectroscopy. Great site.
- NMR Laboratory at the Wolfson Centre of the Hebrew University. (Israel).
Applied structural biology.
- More Israeli links: click here.
- Elsewhere:
- ANZMAG. Australian and New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance.
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnology, a strong ESR group at Uni Melbourne (Australia).
- Centre of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance at Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences in Luknow, Uttar Pradesh (India).
- Centre for Magnetic Resonance at University of Queensland. Australia.
- Department of Magnetic and Spin Phenomena at the International Tomography Center.
Three centers cover NMR and ESR (not only imaging). Novosibirsk (Russia).
- ESR Group at Boreskov Institute of Catalysis in Novosibirsk (Russia).
- ESR Group of S.A.Dzuba and Yu.D.Tsvetkov
at Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion in Novosibirsk (Russia).
- High Field NMR Center at Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica (Taiwan).
- LAB-RMN, Laboratorio de Bioquimica y Resonancia Magnetica Nuclear at UNAM (Mexico).
- LaNAIS de MRS, Laboratorio Nacional de Investigación y Servicios de Resonancia Magnética en Sólidos
(Laboratory of Solid State NMR Services) in Córdoba (Argentina).
- Magnetic Resonance and Magnetism Lab
at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, (Korea).
- National High-Field NMR Facility at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. (India).
- NMR Center at Australian National University.
- NMR Complexes at GSC, the RIKEN Genomics Sciences Center (Japan).
- NMR Center at ICCSB (International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences),
University of Karachi, Pakistan.
- NMR Facility at UNSW Analytical Center in Sidney. (Australia).
- NMR Facility at University of Tsukuba (Chemistry). (Japan).
- NMR Group at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis in Novosibirsk (Russia).
- NMR Group at the University of Colombia (department DARMN). Bogotá (Colombia).
- NMR Group of Paul Callaghan at MacDiarmid Institute, (New Zealand).
- NMR Group of Kiyonori Takegoshi at Kyoto University, (Japan).
- NMR Laboratory at FaMaF (Math, Astronomy and Physics) in Cordòba (Argentina).
- NMR Laboratory at Nanyang Technological University (Biological Sciences), Singapore.
- NMR Laboratory at UFSCar (Chemistry), Sao Paulo (Brazil).
- NMR Laboratory at Fatih University (Arts and Sciences), in Istanbul (Turkey).
- NMR Research Centre at IISc, Bangalore (India).
- SAIF, the Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility, at NEHU, Shillong (India).
- Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (Singapore).
- Solid State NMR Group of J.Chan at National Taiwan University, (Taiwan).
- State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics
at WuHan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, headed by Prof. Chaohui Ye.
See also. (China).
- Zelinsky's Institute's NMR centre headed by Valentin P.Ananikov. Moscow (Russia).
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