- An airport lounge.
- A shapely girl, chewing a gum.
- Turns out to be a topless dancer.
- Wow!
- Me, thinking up a fantasy:
- There are some six billion female breasts in the world.
- I am in a huge room all padded with them: walls, ceiling, floor.
- There is no gravity and I am floating close to the center.
- I would like to touch or kiss at least one of the breasts.
- As much as I try, I can't reach any of them.
- I am just stuck in the center, overwhelmed by the view.
- Is this a baby-nightmare or a male-nightmare?
- I share the fantasy with the dancer, trying to find out.
- She says 'Oh' and moves the gum from one cheek to another.
- Is that an answer !?
- And if so, might it be correct?