ASCI Characters C/C++ Macros
This document is a part of a collection of macros. For introductory remarks, see the first part (General Purpose Macros).
For a review of macro-syntax rules and related tips and tricks, see Writing Macros.
For the typedefs CHAR and BYTE, click here.
ASCI characters tests
#define mIsLetter(ch) \ (!((((BYTE)(ch))<((BYTE)'A'))||((ch)>'z')||(((ch)>'Z')&&(((BYTE)(ch))<((BYTE)'a')))))
#define mIsCapLetter(ch) (((ch)>='A')&&(((BYTE)(ch))<=((BYTE)'Z')))
#define mIsSmallLetter(ch) (((ch)>='a')&&(((BYTE)(ch))<=((BYTE)'z')))
#define mIsWhitespace(ch) (((BYTE)(ch))<=((BYTE)0x20))
#define mIsDecDigit(ch) (((ch)>='0')&&(((BYTE)(ch))<=((BYTE)'9')))
#define mIsHexDigit(ch) (isDecDigit(ch)|| \
#define mIsDigit(ch,hexok) (isDecDigit(ch)|| (hexok)? \
#define mIsOctDigit(ch) (((ch)>='0')&&(((BYTE)(ch))<=((BYTE)'7')))
#define mIsBinDigit(ch) (((ch)=='0')||((ch)=='1'))
#define mIsChrOneOf2(ch,c1,c2) ((((ch)==c1)||((ch)==c2))
#define mIsChrOneOf3(ch,c1,c2,c3) (mIsChrOneOf2(ch,c1,c2)||((ch)==c3))
#define mIsChrOneOf4(ch,c1,c2,c3,c4) (mIsChrOneOf3(ch,c1,c2,c3)||((ch)==c4))
#define mIsChrOneOf5(ch,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) (mIsChrOneOf4(ch,c1,c2,c3,c4)||((ch)==c5))
#define mIsChrOneOf6(ch,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6) (mIsChrOneOf5(ch,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5)||((ch)==c6))
ch, c1, c2, ... are values or expressions of the type char, CHAR or BYTE
(or one which the compiler can automatically cast to one of these types).
hexok is a flag of any type which can be either zero or nonzero.
The return value is a Boolean type which can be tested for true (0) or false (1).
These macros work also with wide, 16-bit characters (char_w) such as those of Unicode,
provided one limits their use and meaning to the ASCI-compatible subset (bits 7-15 equal to 0).
Notice the casting to (BYTE) of both sides of comparisons of the types < and ≤
This is necessary to force the compiler to do unsigned comparisons rather than a signed one (char is usually configured as signed short, and CHAR is defined in that way). Without the casting, bit 7 could play a havok; for example, the relation (ch)<'A' would be true for any character with bit 7 set. In situations where bit 7 is used as parity bit (e.g., communications of some types) or as a control bit (old Wordstar texts), you should first strip it off. In situation where it is meaningful (extended character sets), instead, the implementations presented here work correctly as they are.
- mIsLetter(ch)
- tests whether ch is a letter (A-Z or a-z).
The implementation used here is a bit more efficient than the equivalent (mIsCapLetter(ch)||mIsSmallLetter()).
- mIsCapLetter(ch)
- tests whether ch is a capital letter (A-Z).
- mIsSmallLetter(ch)
- tests whether ch is a small letter (a-z).
- mIsWhitespace(ch)
- tests whether ch is a non-printing character (including space, tabulator, carriage-return, line-feed, etc).
- mIsDecDigit(ch)
- tests whether ch is one of the characters '0' - '9'.
- mIsHexDigit(ch)
- tests whether ch is one of the characters '0' - '9' or 'A'-'F' or 'a'-'f'.
- mIsDigit(ch,hexok)
- When hexok is true, tests whether ch is a hexadecimal digit; otherwise tests for decimal digit only.
Use this macro only when hexok is defined dynamically at run time. Otherwise,
use the more efficient macros mIsDecDigit or mIsHexDigit.
- mIsOctDigit(ch)
- tests whether ch is one of the characters '0' - '7'.
- mIsBinDigit(ch)
- tests whether ch is either '0' or '1'.
- tests whether ch is identical to one of the other characters.
ASCI character conversions
#define mNoBit7(ch) ((ch)&0x7f)
#define mUCaseChr(ch) (isSmallLetter(ch)?((char)((ch)-32)):(ch))
#define mLCaseChr(ch) (isCapLetter(ch)?((char)((ch)+32)):(ch))
#define mChr2Digit(ch) ((ch)-'0')
#define mChr2HexDigit(ch) \ ((((BYTE)(ch))<((BYTE)'A'))?mChr2Digit(ch):mUCaseChr(ch)-('A'-10) )
#define mDigit2Chr(k) ((char)((k)+'0'))
#define mHexDigit2Chr(k) ((char)(((k)<10)?(k)+'0':(k)+('A'-10)))
#define mHexDigit2chr(k) ((char)(((k)<10)?(k)+'0':(k)+('a'-10)))
#define mLastBit2Chr(k) ((k)&1?'1':'0')
ch is a value or expression of the type char, CHAR or BYTE
(or one which the compiler can automatically cast to one of these types).
k is an integer-type value (or a type which the compiler can automatically cast to an integer).
The return value depends upon the particular macro.
These macros work also with wide, 16-bit characters (char_w) such as those of Unicode,
provided one limits their use and meaning to the ASCI-compatible subset (bits 7-15 equal to 0).
- mNoBit7(ch)
- returns the character with bit 7 set to 0.
In some contexts, bit 7 is used for parity-checking and has no semantic meaning.
- mUCaseChr(ch)
- When ch is a small letter, returns the corresponding capital letter; otherwise, returns it unmodified.
- mLCaseChr(ch)
- When ch is a capital letter, returns the corresponding small letter; otherwise, returns it unmodified.
- mChr2Digit(ch)
- returns the integer corresponding to ch (for example, character '3' gives the integer 3).
No testing for the legality of the argument is done (use macro mIsDecDigit(ch) for that purpose).
- mChr2HexDigit(ch)
- returns the integer corresponding to ch (for example, characters '3' or 'C' give the integers 3 or 12, respectively).
No testing for the legality of the argument is done (use macro mIsHexDigit(ch) for that purpose).
- mDigit2Chr(k)
- returns the decimal character '0'-'9'corresponding to the integer k, 0≤k<10.
No testing for the legality of the argument is done;
use mDigit2Chr((k)%10) when what you have in mind was the decimal modulus of k.
- mHexDigit2Chr(k)
- returns the hexadecimal character '0'-'9' or 'A'-'F' corresponding to the integer k, 0≤k<16.
No testing for the legality of the argument is done;
use mDigit2Chr((k)%16) when what you have in mind was the hexadecimal modulus of k.
- mHexDigit2chr(k)
- as above but the returned characters are '0'-'9' or 'a'-'f' (small letters).
- mLastBit2Chr(k)
- returns the binary character '0' or '1'corresponding to the least significant bit of k.
Useful in conversions of integers into binary-representation strings.